Setup Metasploit

Now we need to setup the Metasploit side of things. So load up your msfconsole. First you will need to make sure no other databases are connected in Metasploit.


If there is a connection to another database type db_destroy to drop the current connection. Now to connect to a new database and create the table type.

 db_connect username:password@localhost/metasploit

Now Metasploit will create all the tables and fields required. To make sure everything is OK use the Metasploit database status command to check if you have connection.

 [*] postgresql connected to metasploit

If you see the connected status above you have been successful in setting up Metasploit to use Postgres on Ubunutu 10.04

You can now import other scans from Nessus and Nmap into Metasploit.


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